Thursday 5 November 2009

Considering Possible Locations In Terms Of Storyboard and acessiablity and Schedule 2

Issues and Limitations Which occurred with the location are :

  1. Heavy snow prevented me from completing my driving scenes.

  2. Early nights made the reliance on natural light very difficult.

  3. The cold weather caused the windows to stem up which was difficult to 100 percent to combat.

  4. The accessibility of using a tripod within the car.

  5. The small place in which the location provided was very confined.

Here are several images bellow which represent the issues i was confronted with.

Also which was a big issue was the early approach of dusk reducing light availability as my product relies on sun light to be effective.

This signifies the end of my planning process and the transition in construction and my organisation and process up to this point.

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