Tuesday 6 October 2009

The Feeling - Music Video / Advert

I have been researching less live music videos and looking more at CGI and animation together with other approaches I could take which are still effective.
What i found was the advert for Toyota by the Feeling which is very simplistic but effective.

The altercation i would make is :-

  • I would use a different song not car orientated eg. no establishing shots of the car.
  • I would use animated characters or models such as Lego (look at 45 seconds mainly)
  • I would use a combination of the elements used in Coldplay - Life In Technicolor (as shown bellow)

This method is very effective as :-

  1. Unique
  2. Simplistic but effective
  3. Represents live action simply which wouldn't be effective if was just life action so it creates something so simple so effective.
  4. Association is very strong for the band.

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