Tuesday 20 October 2009

Planning Process Outline

Now I have completed my research and have decided on a final song I am now going to be concertrating on the planning stage of this project.This is a vital stage and it determines the success and authenticity of your project and therefore is crucial to be considered in depth.Bellow i have made a list of the sub-sections i will be looking into over the next week or so.
(I have attempted to post these in the order the need to be approached however there maybe altercations depending on the outcome of each section and this will be notified and explained.)

Annotated Lyrics - Bases of video - shot types , storyline, intended outcome , prompt words.
Location shots - Where , when , who , why Storyboards -Shot types , location , genre , time , when , where ,who , genre , storyline
Animatics- shot types and story combined = whether project works / flows
Shot Planning - To enable you to keep on track of what is done and what needs to be done ,Continuous plan - something goes incorrectly, so you can do for example all the night shots together and day shots.

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