Thursday 24 September 2009

Questionnaire and Surveys On The Target Audience - Poster

The questionnaire bellow is designed to help me understand my target audience, and what there music preference is and convey and understanding from this of what they find aesthetically pleasing on a music video and what factors must be included such information as the location of the event, the Band / Artists name and the date of performance. After conducting this questionnaire, I will then post a list of suggested layouts and gain feedback from my audience to see whether my direction is correct for my target audience.
Please fill in all the answers bellow and in as much detail as possible

1) What is your name, age and sex?

2) What genre of music do you most prefer to listen to in your free time?
a) Rock b) Pop c) Indie d)R&B e) Dance f) Electronic g) other ( Please state bellow)

Please explain why you made your choice above and what are the attributes of the music which you like? ( eg bass beat , soft guitar sounds , ruggedness of the voices , collaboration)

3) What kind of concerts do you go to in your free time and how do you find out about the occurrence of the concert, if it is a poster in genral what aspects first conpel your intrest?

4) What medium used on a poster do you think best attracts you to pay interest and attend or buy the poster presence?
(Colour, text, artist, layout, design techniques)

5) From the selection of genre of music posters shown bellow which do you prefer and why what first attracts you?
Please give justification to your decision bellow and give examples from the video clip to help you use mise-on-scene to assist you)

6)What typeface do you prefer on these three posters the most and why ? (please incorpirate ideas of mise-on-scene and explain what aspects of the other posters typeface you dislike.)

7)What colours on the three posters bellow most attract you and why and do you think this alters with the genres bellow? (so comment on all three, red - dynamic,yellow - warm)

8)Which cover artist of the two bellow attracts you the most and why? (Comment on mise-on-scene, camera angles, model, pose, colour scheme and layout)

9)From the selection of music posters bellow which camera angle used do you feel attracts you the most and why and does this alter with genre?
Please use the following words a prompts mid-shot, close up , 3 shot , establishing shot)

10) Bellow I have given a Directors selection of posters which are generic to the artists please comment on the collaboration and why you find that group effective even though it maybe a variation of band
(Mise-on-scene –colours used, design techniques, typefaces, layout, camera angle used)

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