Tuesday 29 September 2009

Using Lyrics And The Avenues To Take

I am now beginning to move further in my research and have from the questionnaires and have began to narrow down my song choice but first I intend to do more in-depth research on the kind of approach I take in terms of the shooting of my footage.

There in principle three avenues I could take these are:-
1. Lyrical links or narrative (story) method.
2. ‘Live’ Footage
3. Abstract
4. CGI and animation.

Bellow I have put on stream the 3 sets of lyrics which at the moment are my indirect choices for my project of a music video. Please suggest any ideas which the lyrics have inspired soon I will be posting annotated versions of the lyrics with my ideas for shots and a make –up of a video to give you and idea of the path I would be taking then I will be sending out a poll to see which idea capture your interest and from this decide the path I am going to take.

1.Scouting For Girls - 'I Need a Holiday'

Lyrics I Need A Holiday lyrics

2.Daft Punk - All Around The World

3. Daft Punk - Technologic

4.Daft Punk - One More Time

Song lyrics One More Time lyrics
Lyrics Technologic lyrics

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