Friday 18 September 2009

Scouting For Girls Offical Poster Analysis

There is undeniable intertextuality between the poster and the album covers. Unusually there are no other official posters for Scouting For Girls available, however to a certain extent this doesn’t surprise me the reason for this is the almost identical methods used throughout the album covers in terms of typeface, layout, presentational devices, imagery style used.
This poster represents a more in-depth replica of the album cover, this again is a very safe method to use however i think rather than this it actually reflects the simplicity of the band and there approach to life and music which makes them effective in the music industry today and there technique is not demonstrated in desperation.
However, there are some very stereotypical conventions used to compliment the simplicity of the design these are:-
1. The artists name is in the biggest font size, the reason for this is the name at this time was the strongest association for a target audience to come to a gig as at this point the names of the songs did not yet stand out on their own and this has the central position at the top of the poster so it is the first thing that is read by the audience. This idea then goes down in gradient in terms of importance to the audience how big the typeface is eg. Albums highest selling songs which can increase a target audience base and due to its establishment on the popular music scene it can attract those who don’t no of any other music done by the group and can be converted into established fans.
2. Stereotypically there is also present, website of the band, no.1 selling singles, band name,no.1 album name , date of release.
3. Colour is a very powerful medium in the Scouting for Girls media, as the background of stark white allows every item upon it to stand out and have a more prominent impact. The colour of the typeface on the other hand is used to create intertextuality and distinction between the various different singles and album. l believe this fawn colour was used to show the bands simplicity and shows the modesty of the band as well as the general colour of their clothing being indie as can been seen in various photo shoots.
4. The image used at the bottom of the poster is that of Victorian era of block print creating a silhouette of the children. The clever aspect of using this kind of imagery is that this has little in association with the lyrics and inspiration for the album so shows the bands playful side also their personal interest as this kind of image is well represented in the indie scene.
Overall, this is a very clever poster as it:-
1. Gets across the important information to target audience with no distractions.
2. To grab the audience attention which the poster does with its simplicity.

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